How many times are we given a second chance? How many times can we give out second chances? Is there a difference between mercy and second chances? No one deserves either, or both. So why should we take or accept something that we don't deserve? Will I ever figure this stuff out? Will I ever know...Or will I ever at least have someone that will understand what I'm trying to say? Or why I think the way I do?
I don't want to solve life's problems...But they trouble me. They haunt me. These things that run around in my mind never rest, they never stop. The tragedies, horrors of life, overwhelm the positives...The miracles. I wish I could forget about them, and let them go, but someday I know they will be the one thing that differentiates me from everyone else, they will be the one thing that allows me to survive when no one else can. Sometimes we have to stand up, we have to rise above everything that is happening around us, we have to be resilient. When everything around us comes crashing down we must be able to stand strong, to stand firm. Who are we if we can't stand for ourselves...? Then we are nothing. We cannot allow ourselves to be rendered powerless by our inability to remain firm and resolved. Its rather simple really, its just a matter of knowing what you believe, and standing by it no matter what. It won't be easy, and many times you will find yourself alone. But the beauty in it is that you will know who you are, you will be confident in the decisions that you make. You will feel strong, empowered, and from then on you will be encouraged to do what you know is the right thing. Because from ashes we can only rise, and that's what we must do. Rise and rise again. Mistakes are only to be learned from, they are only opportunities to arm ourselves with more powerful weapons, with wisdom that can carry us forward for eternity. But if we don't learn from the mistakes we make, if we don't accept the hard lessons, if we allow our weaknesses to perpetrate who we are and what we do then we will find ourselves surrounded, yet we will be alone. We will realize that we have fallen for everything, because we stood for nothing. These are the things that we must to do be resilient, these are the things that we must do to stand firm, tall, proud. In doing these things we allow ourselves to be beacons, glimpses, shimmers of hope. We will not allow ourselves to be drug down by those around us, we will not be tricked into thinking that we are powerless. Our actions matter, our voice matters...And one day they will hear us, they will see us.
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