Monday, December 23, 2013

Going home

Everyone wants to go home...everyone searches for home, some find it, but some of us spend forever searching for that place to call home. That place that feels comfortable, safe, and peaceful. For some people that could be anywhere, any  place that allows them to be themselves, to fully express who they are, and most importantly who they want to be. Its a magical thing watching people grow, change, and adapt to the things that life throws at us. Many of my friends would say that God is in complete control and that everything happens for a reason, and just to trust him. I know that everything happens for a reason, there is no such thing a coincidence, but what is the point of all of us? In life we do so many things simply because other people do them, or because they are "cool". No one can just be themselves anymore, we all spend countless hours searching for our identity in someone else or something else. Instead of allowing who we are to identify us, we have  to be controlled by something else or someone else. So I'll ask you now, can you stand up for yourself? Can you find your identity in something other than someone...or something. Can you find your identity in who YOU are. Can you break free of all of this nonsense, of all of this mediocre sadness, all of this royal pathetic-ism??? Who will you be? What will you allow to define you. Can you stand up for what you want, for what you believe?! So many times we sit back, we allow ourselves to be controlled by our situation, or the people that screw us over. We cant allow the negativity in our lives to define who we are or what we want. So will this be you going home? Will you allow home to be where you are? Home isn't where we want to be, or where we are going... Home is where we are right now, in this very moment, because in an instant this can all change, and home will be gone. We have to fight for what we want and for who we are.

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