Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fathers Day

Today is a day for Dad's. Some of us grew up in a family with the "ideal" dad, some of us grew up in a family without a dad, and some of us grew up in a family where our dad was our worst enemy. But no matter what our situation is, we all have a father. I don't believe that its blood that defines who that father is. I believe its what they teach us and how they teach us that defines a dad. 

I can't wait to be a father. I can't wait until I can look into the eyes of a child knowing that everything I say and do he or she will emulate. It is a daunting task, it is a tough challenge. But the inspiration that comes with knowing you are responsible for teaching and raising a child that you made is beyond comprehension. There is a great power that comes with being a father, one that can either make or break a child. 

My father taught me how to be a man. He didn't do this through hunting or through sports. In some ways I guess you could say that his ways were slightly unconventional. My dad taught me that its okay to cry, he showed me how to have a warriors heart, but not to run over someone. I grew up seeing my dad as a military veteran and a big city paramedic/fireman, who has saved more lives then he would ever admit to. But the thing that made my dad special wasn't necessarily what he did, it wasn't the stories that he would tell. It was his ability to convey an attitude of selflessness and portray a servants heart without needing to boast on what he had done. 

Its hard to sit here and imagine or try and understand all of the sacrifices that my dad willingly made to benefit me. I know that someday as a father I will understand the frustration, heartache, joy, pride, and many many other feelings that come with being a parent. However, until then all I can do is say thank you and do everything in my power to honor my father. To dad's  across the world thank you, thank you for everything that you have done and continue to do for your kids. We may never fully know everything that you've given for us. 

And to my friends I would encourage you to read this article. Who wouldn't want to be remembered as a great dad?

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