Sunday, June 22, 2014


Its a thing of beauty the way our mind processes things. Each person sees things differently, we all have a different perspective, a different view, a unique view. Yet somehow in all of the chaotic differences we are able to find a middle ground. We're able to find a perspective that makes sense to all of us, well, most of us. We are able to compromise, sacrifice, and reason in order to come to an answer.

But what do we do when we can't find that answer? What do we do when we compromise and sacrifice so much that we no longer know where we started to begin with. How do we reason when we don't even know what perspective we had to begin with. We've all been there. We've all been so caught up in a situation that when we look back we can't trace our footsteps to the beginning. There are three things that happen at this point. We panic, and get lost even more than we were before trying to find our way back. We become angry and bitter toward the situation and blame it for our confusion, or lastly, we stop, we allow the situation to pass us by, and we start a new beginning, because we realize that even if we can trace our steps back to where we were before, nothing will be the same, because we have changed.

Change is an incredible art, its a majestic idea, it allows for a fresh start, it re-ignites passion, and re-inspires the mind, but we don't normally like change. We don't like trying something new, or trusting something we don't know. We like to say we have faith, but there is no truer test of our faith than change. And many times, our faith fails us.

Change scares us because with change comes ideas and people that we can't predict or anticipate. Change brings new things, things that require time and effort to get to know and understand, and many of us are to worn out to invest in something that scares us. Change isn't all that bad. Change means new steps, a new beginning, a fresh beginning. But, change requires faith, because change is a test from God. Change is God.  

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