Friday, May 2, 2014

This One is for You

Everyday is an adventure. Maybe not the kind that involves surviving in the wilderness or backpacking across Europe, but its all a matter of perspective right? What if, instead of waking up everyday and dreading what would happen, dreading what we would have to do, what if we viewed everyday for what unwritten book, a clean slate, a new story to be told.

Every morning we wake up, we do the same routine, eat the same thing for breakfast, pack the same thing for lunch, and go to work at the same place. At first its nothing more than routine. But eventually it becomes a habit and in turn that becomes a lifestyle, and before we know it we are sleepwalking through life. We're hoping the chores will do themselves, or that dinner will be fixed when we get home. We forget about birthday and anniversaries, and we start expecting other people to do more for us than we do for them. In turn the excitement goes away, the passion fades, and life essentially has no more meaning.

We settle with this outcome for two reasons, one - its the easy way, and two - it deadens the pain. It makes us numb to the beating of betrayal or heartbreak. It takes the sting out of words, slows the tears of loss, and reduces our feeling of worry, giving us a false sense of comfort. Yet, in accepting these two reasons we also allow it to suck the passion and desire from marriage, the care and love from our families, and the excitement from the small day to day things that make life what it is. You see, without all of these things, without the appreciation for the little things, what do we have? What reasons do we have to live? If we never allow life to be enough, then we will spend all of our time in constant agony over what is missing instead of cherishing what is there.

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