Tuesday, October 29, 2013


In life the hardest thing to accept, but the thing that will make your life the easiest is that no one cares. Even the people that say they care, they really don't. Anyone can say they care, but very few will actually show it, and the longer you sit around and try and convince someone that they should care, the more time you waste. You can't make someone care, if they don't want to do what it takes then nothing in this world will ever convince them otherwise, and the quicker you can accept that, the quicker you can move on with your life. Does it make it not hurt? No. Does it solve all of your problems? No. But it takes away the false hope, the misplaced expectations, and the bitterness of always giving and never receiving. It's almost as I write this that I'm trying to convince myself this is true...I know no one will ever read this anyways so it really doesn't matter. But the truth is that there is only one person that won't let you down, and that's Jesus Christ. Knowing that you just have to find someone who knows they will mess up, who knows you will mess up, and will be willing to mess up with you, and never doubt you or who you are. Someone who believes that service comes before self, and that sacrifice brings blessing.

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